The Collective

THE COLLECTIVE is North Madison Christian Church’s assembly of young adults between the ages of 18 and 28 that are anywhere from fresh high-school graduates to career professionals. There are young single people, married couples (both with and without kids), college students, folks who work full-time and attend school at night, and those that are still trying to figure out what direction their life is going. BUT, they all have one thing in common: their pursuit of Jesus and striving to live their lives according to His example.

THE COLLECTIVE gathers its name from 1 Peter 2:9-10, which says,

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Because of the Truth that is found in the Gospel of Christ, we strive to embrace our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High God and proclaim Him with our lives. We gather together as one, a collective, all for the glory and renown of Jesus, and to declare that there is still room at the table for anybody willing to sit down! In THE COLLECTIVE, we’re all different and unique and special in our own ways, but the truth of 1 Peter 2 remains the same: We are ALL chosen… royal… holy… and a prized possession of God Almighty.

THE COLLECTIVE focuses on five pillars of the Christian faith and the Bride of Christ (the Church) that include Evangelism, Worship, Service, Discipleship, and Community. In all things, we strive to make Jesus known and declare his praises. We focus our efforts on being and doing life together and not settling for the status quo of ‘church groups’. Our goal is to be disciples that are making disciples, all for the Name and Fame of King Jesus.

THE COLLECTIVE isn’t confined to just North Madison and the events we have here. Though there are a lot of young people that attend Sunday services with us that are a part of the group, there are many that attend other congregations locally and join us for our main group meeting time on Sunday nights at 6:00. We gather together for worship, prayer, reading scripture, and communion with our brothers and sisters. During the week, we remain plugged into the community by being involved in our local churches and being a part of regular Bible studies for both men and women. THE COLLECTIVE serves as a regular gathering and commissioning platform for young adults to be encouraged in their everyday walk with the Lord. Whatever your life currently looks like and wherever you’re, you have a place in THE COLLECTIVE.

Our goal is to equip and encourage you to run the long race of following Christ. If you’re a young adult looking to get plugged in, contact our Young Adult and College Minister, Garrett Wilson. He’d love to meet you, hear your story, and stoke the fire that the Lord has laid the spark into.

We hope to see you soon in THE COLLECTIVE!

Garrett Wilson
Young Adult and College Minister